NEWS FLASH REPORT ON: SMOKY (Part 1) Kika and Smoky went to the restaurant with their families one night, and the chef who owns the restaurant did something very unnecessary… he gave out his BEST food FOR FREE, and he gave them 28 TRILLION DOLLARS JUST FOR COMING TO THE RESTAURANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But something unexpected happened. …

Kika Fox Newspapers

THE STORY BEHIND KIKA’S MOM HATING HER Kika’s mom didn’t actually hate her because of her “””ugliness“”” (extra air quotes because Kika isn’t actually ugly). She didn’t actually hate her at all. The reason why Kika’s mom “hated” her is because she was jealous of Kika’s cuteness and beauty. I, news reporter Corinne, DO NOT …